

学习驾照是获得正式驾照的第一步. Learn how to pick the right driver education course to prepare you for your Texas permit. »了解更多


Taking an approved defensive driving course is ideal for Texas drivers who want to improve their driving skills, 学习安全驾驶知识,免除交通罚单. This class can help drivers reduce risks on Texas roadways with the incentive of discounted insurance. »了解更多


你知道你不用踏进教室就能上驾校吗? Learn how to train behind the wheel with the help of a parent, guardian or driving instructor. »了解更多


Discover the steps to earning a driver's license in Texas between the ages of 18 and 25. 另外,了解你的执照的年龄和课程要求. »了解更多


The Texas written driving test is split into two, 30-minute sections, totaling one hour of material. Each section contains 15 multiple-choice questions regarding highway signs and traffic laws. 学生可以在网上或在驾驶执照办公室完成笔试. »了解更多


在青少年拿到驾照之前, they need to earn a learner's permit by completing six hours of drivers ed and passing the Texas DPS written test. Our drivers ed courses allow you to complete the written test online and avoid a trip to the DPS. »了解更多


你问,我们听! 查看我们最新更新的课程格式, 其中包括课程内容的自动播放功能, 更好的视频, 增加移动友好性,无需通过期末考试! »了解更多


The Texas Department of Public Safety allows teens to complete drivers ed outside of the classroom if the course is part of the approved Parent-Taught Drivers Education (PTDE) program. Our course helps students and parents connect on the important topics of driving safety and ensures qualified adult guidance during driving hours. »了解更多


查找有关德克萨斯州驾驶执照的常见问题的答案, 包括年龄要求和强制性培训计划. Texas teens can earn a learner’s permit online by completing cq9跳高高中大奖视频-approved driver education, 包括家长教育驾驶课程和自学驾驶课程. »了解更多


Texas 家长教驾驶ucation (PTDE) allows parents to instruct their teenagers through the online section and behind-the-wheel instruction of the state-mandated driver's ed requirements. »了解更多


Read the most frequently asked questions about the 德州防守打法 course. Learn how often you can take the course, how long it takes to complete, how much it costs and more. »了解更多


Our online driving safety course makes it easy to fulfill defensive driving requirements for ticket dismissal and become a safer driver. 这门课程完全是在线的,没有期末考试. The online format allows you to finish the course at a time and pace convenient to you. »了解更多


Ready to go to your local Department of Public Safety (DPS) to get your driver's license? 了解你需要的文件和信息, 特定的需求, DPS测试信息和更多. »了解更多


The state of Texas requires teens to complete a driver education course prior to applying for their learner's permit and driver's license. TexasDrivingSchool.com offers teens two options for completing this requirement in the comfort of their own home. »了解更多


All schools and programs licensed or approved under the Texas Education Agency (including cq9跳高高中大奖视频 and 成人司机ucation) are now cq9跳高高中大奖视频-approved. 所有课程必须通过tdlr认证才能有效. »了解更多


有效的9月. 1, 2015, Texas 家长教驾驶ucation programs are no longer under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). 根据德州教育法典第1001章, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation is now responsible for monitoring and approving Texas driving courses. »了解更多

Differences Between Parent-Taught Drivers Ed and Online 德州司机ucation

选择家长教育还是在线驾驶教育可能很难, 因此,我们希望帮助您为您的家庭选择合适的课程. The two courses cover the same classroom content, but they operate a little differently. »了解更多


获得精益许可证, students must be at least 15 years old and must have begun or completed an online driver education course. With both our 家长教驾驶ucation and Texas Online 司机艾德 courses, students can conveniently take their permit exam online once they've completed the first course module. »了解更多


如果你已经按照步骤获得了德克萨斯州的学习许可证, here's how to complete the requirements to obtain your Texas provisional driver's license. »了解更多


需要帮助决定该走哪条路? »了解更多


Texas' Department of Public Safety (DPS) recently implemented a new program called Impact Texas Teen Drivers (ITTD) that all aspiring drivers must complete before they are allowed to take the skills portion of their driving exam required to become a licensed driver. »了解更多


The Parent Taught 司机艾德ucation Program Guide is provided by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and is required to be obtained before starting any course work. »了解更多


The last step to getting your Texas driver's license is passing the driving test. 虽然考试的前景可能会让你紧张,但保持冷静. The more you know about what to expect, the better prepared you'll be to pass. »了解更多


The state of Texas has been hesitant to adopt a state-wide texting and driving law, 但德克萨斯州的两个主要城市已经采取措施,使他们的街道更安全. »了解更多


驾驶教育课程听起来像是为青少年准备的,对吧? 好吧, 如今,青少年可能是学生们最常见的司机, but there are many non-traditional students looking to get behind the wheel as well. »了解更多


尽管有些车祸可能是你无法控制的, 其他的可以通过采取一些常识性的安全预防措施来避免. »了解更多


我们大多数人都把自驾游和夏天联系在一起, 在二月中旬感觉如此遥远. »了解更多


尽管很多人并不认为德州是冬季度假的最佳目的地, its mild temperatures and diverse outdoor offerings make it a perfect pick for adventure and luxury. »了解更多


You don't have to travel far to find fun and exciting ways to celebrate the New Year in Texas. »了解更多


尽管各州的前照灯法律有许多相似之处, 有人可能会说,细节决定成败. »了解更多


秋天是德克萨斯州自驾游的最佳时节. 来自东德克萨斯, 穿过连绵起伏的丘陵, 在整个州, 夏天的绿叶变成了鲜艳的红色, 黄色的, 和橙色. »了解更多


对许多德州人来说, renewing a driver license is on par with paying taxes and standing in a never-ending line at the post office. »了解更多


Parents teach their children how to walk, talk, eat, and journey into adulthood. So it should come as no surprise that parents make the best teachers of driver education as well!  »了解更多